Zizek on philosophy !

Publié le par Ritoyenne

"So.. whose bed is it ? And what the hell is he doing in it ?"

Desolé pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais. Je posterai des documents sur l'étonnant Zizek d'ici peu.

"Slavoj Zizek, is a Lacanian-Marxist philosopher from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Zizek, who has been translated into more than 20 languages and has written books on subjects as wide-ranging as Hitchcock, Lenin, opera, and the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Zizek's aim, in his work, is to combine a Marxist critique of capitalism with a psychoanalytically informed unmasking of the ways in which capitalism works upon the public imagination."

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Publié dans La philosophie en vie

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Slavoj Zizek est aussi celui qui, à l'occasion, passe aussi un peu de pommade indigeste à Alain Badiou dans Libé ! Cf: http://julien.dutant.free.fr/blog/index.php?2007/03/24/164-saint-badiou